

You know, it’s not ALL bad

It seems like every time someone brings up the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) it sends chills down the spines of business owners and office managers ‘round the world. Yes, there are many changes which will require some work, but it’s not ALL bad....

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What’s a SHOP?

A Small Business Health Options Program or SHOP may simplify the process of securing insurance for small businesses. The Marketplace enables you to compare plans, explore costs based upon differing coverage and premium levels, and might even provide you with a health...

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Did you hear the news?

Did you hear the news?! Penalties for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) have been put on hold for one year…hooray, hoorah! Now we can all move on with our lives and we don’t have to worry about this again until 2015! But...did you know all of this...

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Obamacare doesn’t affect me

So, I still have six months or so until I have to worry about the Affordable Care Act, right? Besides, I have fewer than 50 employees so I don’t have to worry at all, right? If I ignore this, it will go away, right? Even I have been sticking my head in the sand trying...

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