

The Importance of Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

The Importance of Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Goal setting is one of the biggest ways to improve the workplace—from communication across teams to more effective manager-employee relationships and increased worker efficiency. Goals also help create a sense of accountability and allow individuals to assess progress...

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One Holiday Too Many?

One Holiday Too Many?

As we approach the busy holiday season, every business tries to have some cheery festivities. But with so many holidays, how do you choose what to celebrate and when? Everybody loves a little turkey and pumpkin pie…and some tailgating…and some challah bread…and maybe...

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Best Practices for Terminating an Employee

Best Practices for Terminating an Employee

Having to terminate is likely one of the hardest parts of running a business. It requires finesse, compassion, and conciseness; and if you do it right, you can make the transition painless for employee and employer. Every company operates differently but they all have...

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How Not to Fire an Employee

How Not to Fire an Employee

Having to fire an employee or employees is often one of the worst parts of having a job—for both the employee being let go and the person doing the firing. Most of the time these terminations go off without much more than an air of sadness and perhaps a few tears BUT...

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