
Few managers and employees look forward to conducting performance evaluations, but a strong performance evaluation strategy can alleviate the typical dread and procrastination. The best evaluation strategy starts by embracing the concept of SMART goals. Goal setting and performance evaluations are inextricably linked. Goals create a sense of accountability and allow both employee and manager to assess progress or challenges during the review period.

What are S.M.A.R.T. goals?

S.M.A.R.T. goals are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-based

Specific goals allow the goal setter to visualize the end results and develop precise steps to accomplish the goal.

A specific goal might be creating a daily or weekly quota. The quota is measurable, allowing everyone to see progress. Based on the employee’s own feelings and past performance, the quota should be one they can reasonably attain. The individual must view the goal as relevant to their job responsibilities. Lastly, a time-based goal creates a sense of accountability and establishes a timeline of progress that can be evaluated.

For example, let’s say Dianna manages the quality assurance personnel at a manufacturing plant. Dianna and her supervisor work together to set a SMART goal. Dianna decides to check the work of one employee each day, rather than all at once at the end of the week. They chose this goal in order to improve overall quality assurance and have set a quarterly deadline. The goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based.

How do goals impact the success of performance evaluations?

SMART goals benefit both employee and manager. The employee clearly understands expectations and the employer can easily measure performance and quickly identify improvements or how an employee may be falling short.

Goals can provide a metric by which you can track an employee’s performance and progress, making it easier for you to:

  • Recognize accomplishments
  • Guide progress
  • Improve and review performance
  • Identify problems
  • Discuss career advancement opportunities

SMART goals can fundamentally alter the way employees view their work and their role within the company. SMART goals can help employers document, track, and measure individual successes against the business’s overarching goals. SMART goals should be reviewed throughout the year to remain updated on progress and provide helpful feedback

Need help designing a performance review strategy or developing SMART goals for your team? Email us to get started and move toward SMART goals that produce bottom-line results.