
It takes a lot of time and resources to hire new employees, which is why it’s important to ensure that you’re getting a good return on investment from your sources. You should be able to determine who is responding from what source. That way, after the hiring process is over, I can determine what resources are working for me. Am I getting qualified candidates from my Craigslist ads? (Because if I’m getting sufficient candidates from a free ad, why bother with paid ads the next time?) If you don’t track it, you’ll never know.

But how does one track their response rates? Personally, I do my tracking on a very simple Excel spreadsheet where I list the individuals and what sources they came from. I create different columns with the minimum requirements as well as soft and hard skills, and salary history. As responses come in, I record everything—who they are, where they came from, and if they meet the minimum qualifications. The more Xs they get, the higher the likelihood that I’m going to invite them in for an interview. It also serves another purpose. If a situation arises where I’m accused of discriminating during hiring, I can present that document and say, “This individual was not considered because we selected interviewees based on these factors and they did not do as well as X candidate. It had nothing to do with their age, creed, color, national origin, sex, religion, or genetic information.”

For more tips on how to track your responses, visit stopknockingonmydoor.com to schedule your free consultation.