Depending on the size of your company, the number of people you employ and who (contractors, government contractors, union, etc.) you employ is all regulated by somebody. Obviously HR Resolutions is ready for your specific questions… but here is a chart with links to some corresponding websites to help you understand a bit more! 

Who knew so many people cared about your humans?!

Federal Government
Fair Labor Standards Act
Department of Labor National Labor Relations
Act/National Labor
Relations Board
Occupational Safety
and Health Administration
PA Department
of Insurance
PA Human Relations
Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission
Office of Federal
Contract Compliance
Plans (OFCCP)
Labor and Industry
Department of
Public Welfare
Internal Revenue

Your employees are your responsibility.  You obviously want to take of them because we all know: happy employees are more productive!

Do you have a question about a specific regulation? Does all the legal jargon make your eyes cross and your brain hurt? You’re not the only one!

Head on over to our LinkedIn page and tell us what confuses you! We may use it in future blog post but we’ll also make it a post on LinkedIn so everyone can benefit from your questions!